Accession No
Brief Description
gunter sector, by Henry Sutton, English, 1660
England; London
Sutton, Henry
calculating; mathematics
Earliest Date
Latest Date
Inscription Date
metal; brass
length 240mm; breadth 40mm
Special Collection
On loan from Trinity College, University of Cambridge from 1951.
(1) ‘H: Sutton fecit. 1660.’ (obverse)
(2)’Trin: Coll: Cant: Ex Dono Tho Scattergood Arm’ (reverse)
Description Notes
Two arms held by flat circular hinge with crossing strut at non-hinge end; all with scales. [Crossing strut appears to be a later replacement, as it is not engraved in the style of Henry Sutton.]
Obverse: both arms carry scales for sines and tangents.
Sine scale marked ‘S’, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚.
Tangent scale in two parts, both marked ‘T’, first part divided [0] - 45˚, numbered by 10˚; second part divided 45˚ - ‘63-26’, numbered by 5˚.
Running along the outer edges are two scales which are continuous when the sector is opened out fully. These are a scale of log sines, marked ‘S’, divided [0] - 90˚, [0] - 60˚, numbered 1, 2, 3…10, 20…90, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60; a scale of log versed sines, marked ‘VS’, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚. A further set of three scales also - first is possibly for solar altitude as it is marked with a solar symbol, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚; scale of chords, marked ‘C’, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚; scale marked ‘ST’, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚.
Reverse: both arms carry scales for chords, secants and equal parts. Chord scale marked ‘C’, divided [0] - 60˚, numbered by 10˚. Secant scale marked ‘S’, divided [5]˚ - 60˚, numbered by 10˚. Line of lines or of equal parts, marked ‘L’, divided [0] - 10, numbered by 1.
Running along the outer edges are scales which are continuous when the sector is opened out fully. On the very edge is a scale of log numbers, marked ‘N’, divided [1] - 20[0], numbered 2, 3, 4…9, 1[0], 2[0]…9[0], 10[0], 20[0]. Within this a scale of latitudes, marked ‘L’, divided [0] - 90˚, numbered by 10˚; an unidentified scale, marked ‘I’, divided 0 - [1] - 0; a scale of hours, marked ‘H’, divided 0 - 6, numbered by 1. The innermost scales are another scale of latitudes, marked ‘L’, divided and numbered as before; and a scale of hours, marked ‘H’, divided and numbered as before.
On the outer rims of the arms, forming a continuous scale when sector is fully open is a scale of log tangents, marked ‘T’, divided [0] - 70˚, numbered 1, 2,…9, 10, 20…70. A scale of log cotangents is also included on here, unnamed, divided 20˚ - 80˚, numbered by 10˚. Also an unidentified scale, divided [0] - 50˚, numbered by 10˚ (perhaps a scale of lesser tangents for use in dialling in conjunction with the strut).
On the inner rims of one arm is a scale of inches, unnamed, divided [0] - [9] and back to [18], numbered by 1.
Strut obverse:
dialling scales - latitude scale, solar declination scale and date scale. Latitude scale divided 90˚ - 0 - 90˚, numbered by 10˚. Declination scale divided [23˚ 30´] - 0 - [23˚ 30´], numbered by 10˚. Date scale in two parts, divided solstice to solstice, marked by initials for months (IFMAMIIASOND). Equinoxes at 9.25 March, 12.25 September.
Strut reverse: scales of equal parts, divided in one direction [0] - 8 and in the other direction by [0] - 18, both numbered by 1. Transversal scales at each end for division to 10ths, numbered 2, 4, 6, 8.
good condition
Mikey McGovern; 'The Sector'; Explore Whipple Collections online article; Whipple Museum of the History of Science; University of Cambridge:
Sectors were used for calculation by navigators, surveyors, gunners and draftsmen (and, famously, by Galileo) from the about the mid 16th century to the mid 19th century. During the 16th century, they were used as general mathematical tools, but the introduction of logarithms drastically expanded their application. Usually made of brass, wood or ivory, they look like a jointed rule with scales engraved on either side.
Sectors use the principle of similar triangles (that the ratio of lengths of two sides of similar triangles will always be the same) with scales of proportion for calculating mathematical functions such as finding the line of equal parts, inscribing a rectangular polygon inside a circle of a given radius and protracting angles. This made them useful for similar calculations to a slide rule.
Created by: Saffron Clackson on 18/10/2002
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